
Made to Save Lives

Celox Rapid Made to Save Lives

The Trauma Business Unit of Medtrade Products needed a new brand identity for Celox Rapid - a haemostatic dressing designed to reduce or stop blood loss in time-critical, emergency situations. The Foundry was asked to develop a new brand positioning and suite of communications that was representative of a global leader in trauma and emergency medicine.


After a decade of com­bat and deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan, the armed forces, domes­tic secu­ri­ty and civil­ian trau­ma per­son­nel were expe­ri­enc­ing a step-change in treat­ing life-threat­en­ing injuries. The use of haemo­sta­t­ic dress­ings was grow­ing, along­side Med­trade’s Trau­ma Busi­ness, with its sig­na­ture Celox range becom­ing the MoD­’s exclu­sive choice.

Despite its suc­cess, their mas­ter brand, Celox Rapid, was strug­gling to dif­fer­en­ti­ate. It need­ed a clear posi­tion­ing to stand out and shout about its ben­e­fits. Name­ly, that it is faster — work­ing with just 60 sec­onds’ com­pres­sion — and saves more lives with 90% sur­vival rates.


We want­ed to show that Celox prod­ucts can per­form under the same pres­sure as the peo­ple who use them. To strike a chord with our tar­get audi­ence, we knew the cre­ative approach need­ed to feel real and human, show­ing that we under­stand the unique demands of life-or-death situations.

We arranged meet­ings with three mem­bers of the core tar­get audi­ence, a female para­medic and two male army per­son­nel. Their per­son­al and pow­er­ful sto­ries of sav­ing lives with Celox Rapid would form the basis of our communications.


In a life-threat­en­ing emer­gency, every sec­ond counts and speed is Celox Rapid’s key USP. Under­pinned by the over­ar­ch­ing brand posi­tion­ing Made to save lives’, we cre­at­ed a new brand mar­que for Celox Rapid with the strapline Made to stop bleed­ing in 60 sec­onds’ and chose to focus all con­tent around its time-sav­ing capabilities.

To appeal to both US and UK mar­kets, the tone had to be bold and unapolo­getic, not reserved­ly British. It was also impor­tant that all user groups felt like it was the right solu­tion for them, from the armed forces to civil­ian first responders.

We com­mis­sioned pho­tog­ra­phy fea­tur­ing real, close-up shots of our real peo­ple who use Celox Rapid. All images were shot in a grit­ty, doc­u­men­tary style, cap­tur­ing the real emo­tion behind the eyes of the indi­vid­ual and com­pelling copy told their story.

The entire suite of com­mu­ni­ca­tions was updat­ed with the new look and feel, includ­ing new brand guide­lines, Sales Aids, press ads, pull-up ban­ners, social media and website.

Celox pullup banners