
Before you can speak, you must first lis­ten. We have an on- and off-line approach to insight gen­er­a­tion, which pro­vides both breadth and depth of cus­tomer and mar­ket infor­ma­tion, ensur­ing your research bud­get deliv­ers return on investment.

We are expe­ri­enced in qual­i­ta­tive and quan­ti­ta­tive research; apply­ing a mix of tra­di­tion­al and pio­neer­ing tech­niques to best serve the needs of indi­vid­ual projects. Our dig­i­tal strat­e­gy team can also help you nav­i­gate through the clut­ter of vir­tu­al con­ver­sa­tions’ to find, analyse and inter­pret the ones that matter.

Qualitative research

In terms of gain­ing real depth of under­stand­ing, there’s no sub­sti­tute for sit­ting and talk­ing face to face (as long as you know the right ques­tions to ask). We embrace inno­v­a­tive method­olo­gies, such as co-cre­ation or ethnog­ra­phy, to real­ly get to the bot­tom of an audience’s motivations.

Whether it’s tra­di­tion­al focus groups, in-home depth inter­views or ongo­ing cus­tomer pan­els, we can design tai­lored research projects that pro­vide action­able insights’ aligned with your busi­ness objectives.

Quantitative research

When qual­i­ta­tive research needs to be sup­ple­ment­ed by breadth ofun­der­stand­ing, we deliv­er quan­ti­ta­tive stud­ies with cus­tomers or prospects. This allows us to eval­u­ate behav­iour and atti­tudes across seg­ments, or to quan­ti­ta­tive­ly test hypotheses.

Our research projects are designed and deliv­ered with intel­li­gence and rigour, to pro­duce reports that deliv­er more than just a relent­less series of charts.

Internal audit & workshops

Your staff or sales force often has the biggest impact on your cus­tomers’ expe­ri­ence of your brand. Can­vass­ing their views and expe­ri­ences at the out­set of a project can be invalu­able in help­ing to set the strate­gic direction.

Equal­ly, com­par­ing and con­trast­ing their per­cep­tions with those from the cus­tomer research can help deter­mine the needs for an inter­nal train­ing or engage­ment pro­gramme. Which can have a real impact on your cus­tomers’ rela­tion­ship with your brand.

We can run inde­pen­dent, anonymised qual­i­ta­tive or quan­ti­ta­tive stud­ies with your staff, to help you eval­u­ate their impact and influence.

We can also run inter­nal work­shops with key team mem­bers to help cap­ture their indi­vid­ual per­spec­tives and help engen­der a sense of project ownership.

Digital review & research

A dig­i­tal strat­e­gy starts with a clear under­stand­ing of your cus­tomers, your mar­ket, your brand’s cur­rent online pro­file and eval­u­a­tion of your exist­ing dig­i­tal assets. 

If you already have an online pres­ence, we can help you pin­point who’s vis­it­ing your site and when; how they nav­i­gate it; your com­pet­i­tive pro­file; and con­ver­sion rates. 

We can also lis­ten in to social chan­nels to get a bet­ter pic­ture of who’s talk­ing about you, your prod­ucts and services.

Competitor research

Which brands are you com­pet­ing with and how can you win share of voice?

Key phrase research

Pin­point the key phras­es and search terms your cus­tomers use to find you and use this infor­ma­tion to opti­mise your web­site and any Google Adwords campaigns.

Customer journey mapping

Under­stand user expe­ri­ence to improve site nav­i­ga­tion and increase con­ver­sion.

Social media performance & listening

Mon­i­tor con­ver­sa­tions, iden­ti­fy changes and iso­late action­able data. 

Site technical review

Make sure you’re fir­ing on all cylin­ders and not los­ing customers.