The Foundry is getting Sugar Smart this September

We’re all eating too much sugar. Some adults are eating more than five times the recommended daily allowance, our kids are the first generation predicted to live shorter lives than their parents and 1 in 3 children enter secondary school overweight 1.

But Sus­tain is hop­ing to change all that. Sug­ar Smart Sep­tem­ber is a cam­paign designed to help us take back con­trol and turn the sit­u­a­tion around. It’s invit­ing local author­i­ties organ­i­sa­tions, work­places, restau­rants and indi­vid­u­als to reduce the amount of sug­ar we all consume.

Sugar smart jug info graphic

Backed by staunch cam­paign­er, Jamie Oliv­er, the ini­tia­tive offers plen­ty of tools online to help peo­ple make their own pledges to reduce sug­ar dur­ing Sep­tem­ber. These include pro­mot­ing sug­ar-free drinks, sign­ing up for healthy work­place schemes and organ­is­ing com­mu­ni­ty events or stunts.

We’re proud to be one of the busi­ness­es that have signed up to Sug­ar Smart Sep­tem­ber and have intro­duced a few new mea­sures in the office to make sure we com­mit to the cause.

Like any office, there’s always a col­lec­tion of hol­i­day sweets or birth­day cakes putting temp­ta­tion in the way. So, we’ve ditched the sug­ar and switched these for plat­ters of fruit and cru­dités with hum­mus instead.

Every­one has received a water bot­tle to ensure they drink an adult’s rec­om­mend­ed 1 – 2 litres2 per day and man­age their hunger pangs till lunch. And we’ve pro­vid­ed lots of ideas for healthy sug­ar swaps to keep them on track.

There are still some peo­ple who are par­tial to the odd sug­ar in their tea. So, we’re ask­ing them to donate their usu­al spoon­ful to our sug­ar jar. In fact, any sug­ar that peo­ple swap out dur­ing Sep­tem­ber will be added to this jar to mea­sure our progress. For instance, Elaine’s giv­ing up her beloved Coke, which will save her 10 tea­spoons of sug­ar per can!

We’ve always been about pro­mot­ing health, well­be­ing and vital­i­ty. So, we’re hap­py to prac­tise what we preach and make pos­i­tive changes for a health­i­er work­place. If you’re a local busi­ness look­ing to do the same, it’s not too late to sign up.

See what it’s all about at sug​ars​mar​tuk​.org.

Ref­er­ences: 1,2sug​ars​mar​tuk​.org