Free typeface for National Vegetarian Week

National Vegetarian Week celebrated everything veggie and highlighted the health benefits of eating a meat-free diet. This year, the Vegetarian Society made it easy to get involved with 50 inspirational ideas on their website.

Sug­ges­tions includ­ed every­thing from swap­ping cow’s milk to almond milk (no.38), donat­ing veg­eta­bles to a food bank (no. 5) and invit­ing peo­ple over for a veg­gie roast din­ner (no.33). But, we decid­ed to do some­thing a lit­tle more cre­ative (no.44).

To show our sup­port for this noble cause, The Foundry set about mak­ing a new type­face entire­ly out of veg­eta­bles. Every­one select­ed a few let­ters each and carved them out of either old pota­toes, car­rots or turnips.

Down­load Veg­gie Reg­u­lar and Veg­gie Grunge (OTF6mb Zip file).

Cutting out the veggie font

The carved-up veg­eta­bles were duti­ful­ly paint­ed by each team mem­ber and used to print all 26 let­ters of our veg­gie-friend­ly alpha­bet. Some peo­ple real­ly knew their onions, while oth­ers came a bit of a crop­per. The best were then picked to form the basis of (prob­a­bly) the world’s first font made entire­ly from vegetables.

Stamping out the veggie font

With a com­plete alpha­bet under our belts, all that remained was to scan in the let­ters, cut them out and process the images through our soft­ware to con­vert them into a typeface.

Our two type­faces, Veg­gie Reg­u­lar and Veg­gie Grunge are avail­able to down­load below and, best of all, they are com­plete­ly free!

Down­load Veg­gie Reg­u­lar and Veg­gie Grunge (OTF6mb Zip file).

Here’s a sneak preview…

Veggie font sample 1
Veggie font sample 2
Veggie font sample 3
Veggie font sample 4
Veggie font sample 5
Veggie font sample 6
Veggie font sample 7
Veggie font sample 8
Veggie font sample 9
Veggie font sample 10